Category: vIDM
Replacing CRTs with iPads for Patient Entertainment Systems in Healthcare
Back in my day our TVs were big square boxes. The one my family owned had a wood look vinyl covering and I think a “remote” control that had a cable. I didn’t even know how to program the VCR. I’m not that old yet…
Secure, Automated and Passwordless Mobile Clinical Device Provisioning
If you’ve ever been in a hospital, I’m sure you would have seen clinical staff (literally at times) running between rooms, back to nursing stations or if they’re lucky into the hall to enter notes or lookup information on a WOW (Workstation on Wheels). Apart…
Velocloud Dynamic Multi-Pathing and Identity Manager
I was lucky enough a few weeks ago to get a Velocloud SD-WAN by VMware router for my homelab. This post won’t be about all the features and capabilities of Velocloud, but there is one particular capability that, although useful, causes a few challenges with…
Managing Augmented Reality with VMware
Seriously, it took me more time to think of a title for this post than it actually took to enrol and manage the Hololens. And this is what I came up with. Anyway, I digress. A couple of weeks ago I was lucky to get…
Federating Multiple Identity Managers for VMware Services
For those who may have wondered, yes I am still alive. It’s been a massive few months with overseas travel, new certifications and being admitted as a VMware CTO Ambassador. I’ll make sure I write about all of this another time. For background there has…